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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  September 23, 2012 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning, america. this morning -- terror at 44,000 feet. a fire breaks out in ann romney's jet. smokes fills the cabin. new details on the frantic moments leading up to that emergency landing. into the cage, a tiger mauls a visitor at one of the most popular zoos. why did this man leap over two fences to get there stalker. the little league stalker. the baseball rivalry allegedly taken way too far. did he stalk a rival coach and threaten a rival coach and his son all because of a strikeout?
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and epic meltdown. what sent off green day's billy joe. to lead to this. >> you got to be kidding me? >> and this. and happy sunday morning, everybody. at home. hard to believe just 44 days left until the presidential election. mitt romney is heading back out on the trial this week. but after one rough week, how does he plan to turn things around? george stephanopoulos will join us to discuss that all. >> mitt romney says that his campaign doesn't need a reset. we'll talk about that coming up. we're getting some answers on that crazy story about the guy who jumped into the tiger's den into the bronx zoo. turns out that this wasn't a suicide attempt. something very different.
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and we're just hours away from one of hollywood's biggest nights. everyone getting ready the big emmy awards tonight on abc. we have your backstage pass to everything you need to know like, what happened when "modern family" cast, when all six adult actors are up against each other? only two can get the prize. >> i want to know what happens on the set the next day. lot of news breaking overnight. we want to start this morning. with a look at the headlines. ron is on vacation. but paula faris is here. >> good morning. dan and the ladies this morning, right? >> just the way we like it. we begin with the giant wildfires scorching the northwest. two large fires in the northwest are threatening to merge. while choking smoke overwhelms
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the state, forcing them to wear masks. fierce that lightning storms today could add more fuel to the fires. ginger zee is tracking it all. >> 23 large fires in six western states. happening right now, and you can see all of the fires plotted here. it's been one of the driest august and september on record. from the ground, the flames rise in washington state. leaving acres of scorched wilderness in their wake. from a distance, you can see just how huge these fires have become. the plumes of dangerous choking smoke rising up over the mountaintops. these fires have been burning for 13 days. 3,000 firefighters now working around the clock to contain them. and hundreds of residents have been driven from their homes, which now stand in destruction's path. >> you combine all of these conditions together, and yeah, i can see a perfect storm here. >> reporter: but the real danger
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lies in the smoke, smothering nearby towns. rendering air quality so bad that people must now wear masks when they go outside. while unhealthy air can measure as low as 35 on the air quality index, officials say the air quality here is spiking over 900. >> i have asthma. my wife has breathing issues. it gets pretty bad some times. >> reporter: and as firefighters try to put out the 22 separate fires still burning uncontrollably, the fear that the largest two, just one mile apart, may soon merge into one giant, dangerous blaze. >> and again, it's not just the state of washington. look at idaho. you can see that highlighted there. that's why they're having all of those air quality issues. they'll continue to do so until they get into the rainy season. so the fire weather not good, some dry lightning still possible. temperatures aren't too terrible. but red-flag warnings still in effect.
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i'll have much more coming up on, again, what will likely be the biggest wildfire season this nation has ever seen, almost 8 million acres burned so far. back to you all. syrian rebels taking a big step forward in their effort to overthrow president bashir al assad. they're moving their command center from turkey to syria to you unite all rebel groups. in the past few months, the rebels have captured large chunks of land along the border with turkey. if you're eating peanut butter from trader joe's with your breakfast, you should check your label. it's recalling its creamy salted peanut butter. the store has removed the peanut butter from its shelves. anyone hoping to pick up the new iphone today, will have to wait. stores do expect to restock the iphone tomorrow.
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meanwhile, apple and samsung are demanding changes to the verdict in their bitter patent battle. over the iphone. in newly filed paperwork, samsung is asking for a knew -- new trial. while apple is seeking additional $700 million in damages on top of the $1 billion that they were just awarded. and finally, the man known as the french spiderman, he's done it again, he successfully scaling the largest steel tower in china. it's nearly 1300 feet tall. no thank you. he usually climbs without safety equipment. but used suction devices and ropes because the tower, no hand or footholds. ginger doesn't know this, but this is her next assignment. >> she can do it without the ropes. >> can you do it without the hopes? >> no way. >> my money is on ginger. >> all right, paula, thank you. we'll turn now to the race for the white house. just 44 days away from the
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election day and the romney campaign is hoping to get past a rough week. they're now kicking off a bus tour, but will it be enough to regain the momentum? it's your voice, your vote. david kerley has the latest from washington. >> reporter: the days are slipping away now. and many republicans are begging mitt romney to reset his campaign. the candidate has answer which may not satisfy all of those critics who are talking back to him. some of the gop complain romney is losing. he's not on the trial enough. spending too much time fund-raising. as he was last night in california. >> they were just coming to town to see you. and keep the campaign going. it's nonstop. >> reporter: there are calls for big changes for his campaign, which romney dismisses on "60 minutes." >> i got a very effective campaign, it's doing a very good job. >> reporter: so, will he turn around his campaign? >> well, it doesn't need a turnaround. we got a campaign that's tied
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with an incumbent president of the united states. >> reporter: that's what romney says. while he seizes on the president's line that he can't change washington from the inside, the romney campaign is changing. with aides promising an intense battleground schedule. colorado tonight. bus tour in ohio. campaigning in virginia. romney doesn't lead in any battleground states. but the campaign is making inroads in wisconsin. not surprisingly the president hoping to block any momentum made a saturday visit. picking up a milwaukee, and hitting a couple of fund-raisers. even though he won this state by 14 points, the president admits this year is harder in wisconsin. where the president went after romney's comments that 47% of americans are victims. >> i don't believe in just looking out for workers or businesses, or rich or poor, or 53% or 47%, i'm going to look out for everybody. that's why i'm running for a second term.
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that's why i need your vote. >> that's what the president wants to talk about when he's out on the campaign trial. romney's 47% comment. by the way, that was the president's first visit to wisconsin in 220 days, showing just how team obama is hoping to blunt any momentum romney may gain in some of those battleground states. dan? >> david kerley, thank you. for more on all of this, let's bring in the hardest working man in news, his name is george stephanopoulos. he's the host of "this week" with george stephanopoulos. how is that for an intro? >> i like it. >> his advisers are saying it needs a reset. >> number one, he just -- he has to have do no harm strategy. he can't have another week defined by a gaffe. knowing that the president is going to pounce on anything that might resemble a pounce.
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saturate the battleground states with mitt romney. right now, he's behind or barely tied in any single battleground. he's not ahead. in any one of them right now. and number three, he's got to focus, again, hard, on the economy, one of the things that's helping president obama right now is more and more americans think the country is going in the right direction and he's pulled to even with romney on the economy. >> there's another big turning point in ten days, the debate, people say this is a real potential opportunity for romney. if you're in the room prepping him, what are you telling him to do that night? >> picking up on what i just said, every single answer that mitt romney gives in that first debate, the last big audience of the campaign, has to be about the economy, has to be focused on president obama as the candidate of status quo, the way things are. and he has to offer specific solutions to the problems that he addressed.
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>> it's really only the first debate is the one with the big audience? >> in part, because voting has already begun in some states. by the third debate in late october, likely more than a third of the country will have already voted. >> george, thank you very much for coming on. george has a big show this morning. his guests include david axelrod and reince priebus. george, thanks once again. bianna, over to you. the story about the guy who jumped into the tiger enclosure at the bronx zoo. is only getting weirder. we know now why he did it. because quote, he wanted to be one with the tiger. john muller has the latest. good morning, john. >> reporter: good morning, bianna. it doesn't get much stranger than jumping from a monorail at the zoo into the tiger pen. as you mentioned, the police asked this 25-year-old fighting for his life why he did it? he said, quote, i want to be one with the tiger.
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just as strange, police have no reason to think that he was intoxicated and they don't think he's mentally ill. 75 feet down right into the tiger pen. no, it was not a suicide attempt. police say that 25-year-old david villalobos did it on purpose. so he could be one with a 400-pound male siberian tiger. a tiger like this one, capable of killing a man in matter of seconds. >> this is new york. we have 8.4 million people here. and, you know, strange things can sometimes happen. >> the new details are startling. he told police that he landed on all fours like a cat. on his facebook page, his obsession. a picture of siberian tiger. like the one that dragged him around the pen, crashing his ankle. >> we know on his facebook that he has a picture of a tiger. he visited the zoo the last month.
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>> a former classmate confirmed his behavior as of late. >> it just seemed a little strange. >> rorter: it seemed that he sustained most of his serious injuries from the ll. rather than the tiger. breaking his shoulder, pelvis and a rib, also collapsing a lung on impact. villalobos did succeed with becoming one with the tiger. while in his jaws for almost ten minutes. but zoo officials said that he didn't want him dead. >> he was rescued by zoo personnel, who used a fire extinguisher to get the tiger. they instructed him to roll over by an electrified fence. to roll under the fence. >> reporter: he also told police quote, everyone in life makes choices. this choice nearly killed him. villalobos remains in stable condition at the hospital. if he's convicted he could be one with a jail cell. he told police after this initial mauling, he had a chance
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to pet the tiger and he has vivid memories of this. the tiger by the way, won't be euthanizebd, the tiger did nothing wrong. dan, back to you. >> one with the jail cell, perhaps deservedly so. now to a bombshell revelation that's just days away from hitting bookstores. arnold schwarzenegger out with a tell-all memoir about the moment that his wife, maria shriver confronted him about his secret love child. john schriffen has the details. john, good morning to you. >> it was more than a year ago that the world of politics and entertainment were rocked. after 25 years, shriver was leaving her husband. but the real bombshell wasn't to come until later when the world heard for the first time why. it's his total mea culpa. he's come clean in his new book "total recall."
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finally opening up about the wrenching moment his wife, maria shriver, confronted him about his love child. it was a couples therapy session when quote, the therapist turned to me and said maria wanted to come here today and ask about a child. whether you fathered a child with the housekeeper mildred. caught off-guard, he said it was true. shriver had questioned him before the love child. but arnold had denied it. she let the issue go. for a while, he refused to believe that the child was his. during that confrontation, he first gave shriver, quote, three lame reasons why he hid the child joseph from her, embarrassment. a compulsion for secrecy. and not wanting her to tell her family, the famed kennedy clan. schwarzenegger writes in the book, after he came clean, he
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grabled that she was a perfect wife. now, he says of the affair that he was stupid. and the former governor and box office star in true hollywood style is hoping for a happy ending. he's hoping to eventually reunite with shriver. his book hits the bookstores on october the 1st. >> should we take -- should we read into this that he's not running for office again? >> right, exactly. >> thank you, john. back over to ginger zee. it's so cold in parts of the great lakes. and the northern plains. look at the numbers here. des moines this morning, just under 40. bismarck, 26 degrees. ten states at least in frost and freeze warnings and advisories. it will expand to 13 by tomorrow morning. it will all start to trickle east. some of the coldest air in chicago waking up by the way.
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a place much warmer, but oh so much wetter, a funnel cloud, this is indiantown, florida. they had a lot of flooding rain, too, in some places up to 6 inches. they're so far above average and they'll get even more today. so, if you're looking for a dryout in miami, it's not happening in the latter half of your weekend. it will however, come to you by tomorrow. more rain here in that 2 inch to 3-inch area. the only rain in the forecast for the northeast, some great lake effect showers. much cooler behind that front yesterday that brought those storms, we're seeing temperatures in the upper 60s, low 70s. if you want warmth, you have to go to el paso, midland. that's what i'll leave you with here. that's the big picture. let's now get a check a little closer to home.
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>> it doesn't matter what kind of day i'm having. when i get a great sunset photo, i swear it can turn it around. here you go. look at that. key west, florida. just so tranquil and pretty. you can find me on then up in the mountains, boulder, colorado. she was saying that some of the colors are starting to come out there. it's about a week, week and a half ahead for the colors. >> it looks like artwork. >> who knew it was so easy to get ginger out of a bad mood. >> yes.
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just a little sunset photo. it's tv's biggest night. >> hot newcomers competing for the most coveted trophy. and "good morning america's" entertainment reporter rachel smith joins us from los angeles with a preview of the big event. hey, rachel. >> that's right, guys. television's biggest night. the star power attending is tremendous. you know, there wasn't a nominee in sight when i was rehearsing for "on the red carpet at the emmys." i couldn't help but get wrapped up in all of the excitement. here's a look at the preparation and talk, leading up to the main event. the red carpet is rolled out. the emmys in place. the audi green room decked to perfection. everything is ready for this -- >> and the emmy goes to -- >> goes to -- >> and the emmy goes to --
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>> reporter: tonight's emmy awards features a showdown between newbies and the best. can "mad men" make it a record five wins for best drama? >> was i supposed to say something? >> reporter: or could the new series "homeland" pose a threat? will bryan cranston cook up a another win? or will damian lewis break his streak? will julia louis-dreyfus sweep the lead actress in comedy or will amy poehler finally win the ticket? they may not have the winning formula this season, the supporting actor in a drama category is dominated with newbies. but maybe the biggest face-offs of all, a true family fight, all six adult actors on the abc hit "modern family" are nominated.
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>> what are the odds of that happening? >> it's a small world. >> yes, it is. >> reporter: all four men battling it out in the interest supporting actor. ty burrell, one last year. >> you're burning up. you might have a flu. >> reporter: and julie bowen tries to repeat her win, squaring off with sofia vergara, in the supporting actress category. >> manny, put your stuff away and put the ears on. >> jesse tyler ferguson told me friday night that the cast is just thrilled all six were nominated. now, julie bowen, she told me that she's hoping to pass off the win to sofia vergara. very interesting. >> absolutely. watching her story, you realize how good tv has become. so many great shows are out there. >> how many hours i spent watching television, too. >> tell me about it. >> we'll be back on the couch tonight. we'll come back to rachel for some fearless emmy predictions. on who's going to win.
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rachel will also be hosting the pre-party show starting at 5:00 eastern/2:00 pacific. on select abc stations. then, our own lara spencer and josh elliot pick up the coverage hosting emmys red carpet today. >> look at how dapper and beautiful they look in that shot. amazing. and then it's the main event. jimmy kimmel hosts the emmys at 8:00/5:00. coming up, little league big issues. a coach threatening a rival coach because one son struck out the other. plus, rocker rant. the lead singer of green day billie joe armstrong lets loose with an angry, epic tantrum, so what set him off? does it match up to this billy joel tantrum? and, the question of the morning -- what did this reporter do to this adorable baby to make him cry? we'll have the answer coming up in "fixation." [ female announcer ] what happens when beauty meets strength?
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coming up on the broadcast -- the father and little league coach from long island, new york, accused of stalking a rival little league coach and his son all over a strikeout. that's coming up here on "good morning america."
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♪ whoa, even by rock star standards this was an outrageous, over-the-top tantrum from the lead singer of green day. what is billie joe armstrong screaming about? what set him off on this mammoth meltdown? and how does his freakout compare to past stage spectacles, like those of billy joel and elton john? good morning, america. i'm bianna golodryga. >> i could watch that all morning. it's great. billie joe clearly not having the time of his life. i'm dan harris. it's sunday, september 23rd.
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also coming up, these people have a much better excuse for freaking out, they have a cheetah on the hood of their vehicle, we'll tell you how this turned out coming up in our "fixation" segment. and tonight, is a big night in hollywood. the red carpet is rolled out. the emmy awards is lined up and a showdown is brewing for "modern family." so, who's going to win? predictions coming up. but first, we have reported on parental misbehavior around sporting events. coming up, this case is pretty extreme, little league coach accused of stalking a rival coach and his son all allegedly over a strikeout. abc's rob nelson is on the story this morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. youth sports organization across the country, have been dealing with the growing problem with out of control parents who take theiro. but this time it crossed into alleged criminal behavior. his team may be called the long island vengers, but little league coach robert sanfilippo
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took his team name a little too far. it all started earlier this year sanfilippo got into an altercation with rival coach john reardon over a simple baseball manner and then -- >> i started receiving text messages of pictures of myself and my son in front of our house. >> reporter: he said that those texts became more threatening towards his wife and my son. >> a picture of me and my son. saying i'm going to pick your son up at the bus stop. >> reporter: police say the text came from an untraceable phone. but they were able to track it back to sanfilippo. the tension between the two began build after an altercation in may, when reardon's son struck out the last batter in the final inning he didn't like it. he had something to say. i said something back. nothing crazy. >> reporter: but sanfilippo said
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that he's innocent and that reardon was upset when his son was once rejected by a travel team. >> disgruntled parents that don't make travel baseball. >> reporter: sanfilippo is charged now with 20 counts of aggravated assault and one count of stalking as well. perhaps the worst thing about kids sports is these parents these days. time now for a check of the other top stories with paula faris. it's the overnight team here. >> what time is it right now? i'm so confused. we have an overnight show here at abc. good morning. in the news, firefighters in washington state are battling two huge wildfires, and just as dangerous is the suffocating smoke forcing people to wear masks when they go outside. in politics, mitt romney is back on the campaign trial in colorado. part of hissed a viedzers are
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calling an intense battleground state schedule. president obama stumped in washington yesterday. another key swing state. and lindsay lohan is reportedly suing the man who accused of her driving drunk. according to tmz, lindsay lohan is going to sue jorge rodriguez. and finally, going gangnam on campus. the ohio university marching band played the hottest song in the world gangnam style saturday. the team went on to win the game. you guys have actually gotten off to 4-0 season. give it up to the bobcats of ohio university in athens, ohio >> i heard someone compare it to the macarena. remember how big that was? >> yes.
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>> come on, dan. >> let's merged the macarena with the gangnam style. time for a check of to weather and ginger. a little something. it's not very good. okay, let's go ahead and get started. this is for paula. we go to southeast michigan. she's from jackson. ann arbor, temperatures in the only upper 30s this morning. fall is settling in. beautiful look at the campus there and some blue skies. the rest of the cold air is certainly going to be in place. that autumnal feel stretches all of the way to boston. this is pretty seasonal. philadelphia, 70 on monday. 75 by tuesday. d.c. is going to be 72 today. now, let's fly across the nation, because the emmys are happening. it's going to be dry, 87. colorado, 84.
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drying out on the east coast after all of that rain last night. that's a look at the big picture. let's get a check a little closer to home. >> this weather report brought to you by nasonex. dan and bianna. >> all right, ginger. coming up on "good morning america" -- frontman freak out. green day's billie joe armstrong snapped on stage. why did he go berserk and does it compare to past freakouts by stars like billy joel? what on earth did an reporter do to this baby? coming up in "fixation." keep it here. "fixation." keep it here. [ male announcer ] it started long ago.
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the iheartradio music festival talk an emic ♪ talk about an epic on-stage tirade even for a rock star. billie joe armstrong caught on tape, totally out of control and unleashing a ton of vulgarities.
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paula is here with the details. >> what we're about to show is the cleanup version, it happened over the week at the iheartradio music festival in las vegas. billie joe armstrong storms off stage after unleashing an epic rant. >> you ought to be kidding me? >> reporter: it started suddenly. >> give me a break. >> reporter: billie joe armstrong goes off, out of nowhere, diving into a rage-filled tirade. >> i'm not justin bieber. >> reporter: smashing the guitar before storming off stage. shocking the thousands of fans who just moments earlier were rocking out with one of the biggest bands in the world. ♪ >> reporter: so how did it go from this to this? >> i got one minute. one minute left. now i got nothing left. >> reporter: it turned his freakout was a matter of time, you can see a monitor, cue the band, they have one minute left that's what set him off. >> look at that sign right there.
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>> reporter: their entire set was nearly cut in half so so usher could have more time. >> i have been around since 1988. >> reporter: the meltdown came just after the megapopular band rocked out on the roof of "good morning america." but the eyeliner-loving singer isn't the first to turn into a basket case on stage. in the late 1980s, the piano man goes off the rails. billy joel flipping over his keyboard, smashing his microphone, all because the lighting was bad. and here, kanye west stopped his concert in washington, d.c., also because of the lighting and watch elton john suddenly get slap-happy with his mike at a concert in new york. but all in all, armstrong's tirade might take the cake. oh, no comment from billie joe
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armstrong's camp. he declared, quote, we'll be age back. our lighting is good. imagine if it wasn't? >> we would flip out all right, paula, thank you. still ahead on "good morning america" -- holy animal kingdom. what's going on here? we'll tell you how it all turned out when we return. we'll tell you how two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. and every day since, we've worked hard to keep it.
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bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. we've shared what we've learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely. i want you to know, there's another commitment bp takes just as seriously: our commitment to america. bp supports nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs in communities across the country. we hired three thousand people just last year. bp invests more in america than in any other country. in fact, over the last five years, no other energy company has invested more in the us than bp. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. today, our commitment to the gulf, and to america, has never been stronger.
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to making dinner disappear from this west virginia casino. they want marylanders to keep coming to west virginia... casinos like theirs. spending one hundred seventy million a year. question seven will keep those dollars at home. with a limited expansion of gaming that will mean... hundreds of millions for schools in the baltimore area... and across the state... according to the department of legislative services. and with independent audits required by law... question seven means millions for maryland schools. guaranteed. ♪ you're my obsession all right, it's "fixation," where we collect crazy stuff from the intraweb and we bring it to you. we're going to start with ginger. >> yes, there are shows about ocd.
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let's go ahead and look. the chameleon who may have a little. he's washing his hands. he cannot stop. >> never get clean. >> where is the purel? >> poor thing. it's okay. okay, so, you know, everyone goes on -- have you been on a safari? wild animals coming up to your car. sometimes they get a little too close. take a look at this cheetah, walking up to a car full of tourists and then he just sits on top. the cameraman got very close. he sat there for an hour. the car could not move until he finally decided to go on his very way. you say that cheetahs don't attack, dan. >> they used to be domesticated animals. >> they're beautiful.
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>> random facts with dan harris. this group in china, they were trying to break the record for tallest human tower, which is six levels high, they get close, they're all wearing padded helmets in case this goes array. see how this -- they take a tumble and down they go like dominos. everyone was okay. >> no random fact for that. this is what happens when reporters ask the wrong question. >> e equals mc squared. get the camera off. i'll take the cantaloupe. >> way to make a baby boy cry on live television. >> they say never work with babies or animals, that's an example of why. >> that face is priceless. and do we have time for one more.
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yes, just to make sure that i'm not a liar, there's the panda video. >> so cute. >> look at that. he's handling the checkup very well. >> yes, very cute. meanwhile, excitement is building in hollywood. before we go, let's do a lightning round of some predictions from rachel smith in los angeles. drama. >> i'm going to say it, i'm going with an upset, "breaking bad." >> wow, not my homeland, ouch. >> what about comedy? >> well, what do you think? i think it's going be a
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three-peat for "modern family." the fan base are doing it again. they are delivering the funny, can't go wrong with "modern family." >> and with "modern family," who are the two winners? >> clearly the odds are in modern family favors. of the gents, i say eric stonestreet. ty took it last year. and then, for actress, i would have to say, julie bowen, i think it's going to be a repeat for her. i don't foresee her passing along that torch to her co-worker sofia vergara. >> well, you heard it first, from rachel smith. >> some big risks this morning. >> i am. we'll find out tomorrow. >> thank you, rachel. you can watch our own lara spencer and josh elliott
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spencer and josh elliott tonight co-hosting the emmys on the red carpet. join us tomorrow morning for our huge "good morning america" emmys afterparty. exclusive interviews with the winners. thanks for watching this morning. we're always online at david muir is back with more news and george will be here with "this week." thanks, everybody. see you later. "this week." thanks, everybody. see you later.
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